Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sister Lulu

Mommy said that I always look lonely,  alone and has no buddy to play with.
And she decided to find me a buddy so i won't get bored.
(Grandma and KC disagreed because they think I'm already used to be alone)
 do i need a buddy?

Anyway, on New year 2010 mommy gave me a surprise!
She introduced me my new little sister, LULU the pug.
Lulu was adopted from Kansas Humane Society.

 she was abandoned by her previous owner.
she is so tiny, has wrinkle on her face, curl tail, black mussel and just like me!
(except for the size)
At first, Lulu kept growling at me (a warning for me to back off)
then I just backed off to break out the fight.
After a while, me and Lulu started to sniff each other and circle each other!
That means we've become good friends! 
Ruff! Ruff!
happy ending

 But after 2 weeks... 

(to be continue..)

1 comment:

lulu said...

Lulu: Piggy is too annoying! He is so big and fat, so I have to act agreesive to protect myself at begining...however now we start get along and I think he became my big bro now.